File a Complaint / Make a Report (SAFE Campus)

Purpose of this webform:

The Sexual Assault / Sexual Violence Webform can be used by:

  1. a survivor of sexual violence, to initiate either an informal (information) complaint, or a formal complaint, further to Confederation College's Sexual Violence / Sexual Assault Policy;
  2. a College employee to make a report, further to employee obligations outlined in the Sexual Violence / Sexual Assault Policy; or
  3. a witness to report an incident of sexual violence.

You are not required to use this webform to initiate a complaint and/or to make a report.  Complaints and reports may also be made in person.

If you require immediate and urgent assistance:

If you require immediate and urgent assistance, call Police at 911, or if you are on campus in Thunder Bay, call Security at 922 from a College phone, or 623-0465 from a cell phone.

Report an Incident

To Complain/Report Sexual Violence/Sexual Assault webform