Indigenous Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards (Negahneewin Student Services)

If you require assistance in understanding the opportunities available or how to apply, please visit us in APIWIN or contact one of our Indigenous Student Navigators.


For Engineering Technology Programs:

  • Hydro One FNMI BursaryDeadline: December (in previous years)
  • Husky Energy Aboriginal Education AwardsDeadline: May of each year
    • Earth Sciences and Natural Resources. The bursaries are awarded to each recipient during the last week of August. Once selected, each recipient receives a bursary each year until his or her program of study is completed, provided that the criteria for Educational Awards Program is met (i.e., one year for a secondary diploma, two years for a college/technical school diploma or four years for a university degree). 

For Skilled Trades Programs:

You may apply if you meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. You are an Aboriginal person, and can provide proof of your status;
  2. You are enrolled in a full-time post-secondary or trades program and will maintain satisfactory academic standing throughout your program;
  3. You have a plan for achieving your education and career goals;
  4. You commit to updating TransAlta on your progress throughout the duration of your studies; and
  5. You complete and provide the information as requested by TransAlta.

For Business Programs:

RBC awards 10 scholarships in two categories:

For students majoring in disciplines related to the financial services industry

For students majoring in disciplines unrelated to the financial services industry

We also consider scholarship recipients who are interested in careers in financial services for summer and post-graduate employment

For Indigenous Women: 

    • The Women’s Opportunity Awards program assists women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects. Women’s Opportunity Award recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, such as books, childcare, tuition and transportation.
    • Each year scholarship awards are handed out that will assist First Nations women in their educational and training aspirations and enable Aboriginal youth of today, to become leaders of tomorrow.
      • Be an Aboriginal Woman (First Nation Status) and a member of a First Nation community in Canada;
      • Must be a resident of Canada;
      • -Must have completed one year of full-time educational study. 
  • Native Women's Association of Canada Helen Basset Commemorative Award
    • Student must be currently pursuing post-secondary studies (Priority placed to Law studies). Demonstrate financial need. Applicants must be an Aboriginal woman under 30 years of age. Must demonstrate commitment to improving the situation of Aboriginal women and youth in Canada politically, culturally, economically or otherwise. Former Youth Council members are not eligible to apply.

For Health Programs (Nursing): 

  • Canadian Scholarships and Nursing Grants
    • The Canadian Nurses Foundation is proud to offer more than 50 scholarships in support of nursing education. These awards have different values, depending on the level or area of practice.
  • Cambrian College Awards
    • Available to a full-time student of Native descent (Status, Non-Status, Inuit or Metis) enrolled in the second-year of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at either a college or a university in Ontario that is recognized by the Ontario College of Nursing. A 2-page essay must be submitted that describes the applicant's qualifications for the award. The applicant must provide two letters of reference from native-community leaders.

For Nishinabe-Aski Nation (NAN) Members 

  • Dennis Franklin Cromarty Memorial Fund
    • Must be a student from the NAN Territory, or Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug.  Four Categories: High School, College, University, and Mature Student. 
    • Open to students from NAN territory, preference given to those entering the fields of policing or law.  See Student Life Navigators for information and application form. 
  • Matawa Education and Rotary Bursary
    • Two $1000.00 bursaries for college students. Open to all Matawa First Nations Students.

For graduates of RoFATA, Matawa members, or students from Attawapiskat, or Mishkeegogamang

In addition to these opportunities, there are many more scholarships, bursaries and awards available to ALL students of Confederation College. Please visit our Financial Aid web page for more information.

  • We invite you to nominate a student from your community who is currently enrolled in the field of Science and Technology by mailing or faxing the application to OFNTSC. From the nominations received, two students’ from northern Ontario and southern Ontario meeting the outlined criteria will be selected. Only those persons who are selected will be contacted.
  • First Nations/Métis/Inuit students in good academic standing currently in their
  • Trans Alta Aboriginal Bursary Program – Deadline: Sept of each year
  • RBC Aboriginal Award Program – Deadline: February (in previous years)
  • Rose Nolan Memorial Scholarship – Deadline: June (in previous years)
  • Charlotte Carter Memorial Scholarship – Deadline: November (in previous years)
  • The Baxter Corporation - Jean Goodwill Scholarship – Deadline: July of each year
  • The Paul R. Trivett Bursary Program – Deadline: August (in previous years)