Confed Cares

What is Confed Cares?

Confederation College strives to create opportunities and to be a leader in our broader communities when it comes to citizenship, engagement and caring. 
It is not about who we are but who we strive to be. Confed Cares about our people, our partnerships and our planet. This initiative seeks to​:

  • Create a dialogue about caring, engagement as well as local and global citizenship​
  • Collect and share successes within our college community​
  • Engage our students and staff within the communities we serve​
Confed Cares Indigenous

Confed Cares about our PEOPLE by:

  • Supporting staff and students through initiatives that promote well being.
  • Celebrating staff and student achievements.
  • Maintaining strong connections with our students and staff to support engagement and collaboration.​
Confed Cares

Confed Cares about our PLANET by:

  • Being responsible stewards of campus grounds, infrastructure, and our communities.
  • Providing safe and clean campuses for all to enjoy.
  • Reducing emissions produced by operations.
Confed Cares - Food

Confed Cares about our PARTNERS by:

  • Providing use of our campus to local partners, community initiatives, and events.
  • Building relationships to support our school communities and offer a safe space within our campuses.
  • Advocating for our college, our partners, our people, and our planet, regionally, provincially, nationally and beyond. Keeping our goals and values at the forefront of all that we do.
frisbee - Negahneewin Day

​Confed Cares is community.

Confederation College cares about the wellness of our students, faculty and staff. We want to hear about how we can improve in order to serve our community better. Please leave comments on your Confederation College experience.  

Confed Cares SUCCI
Who are you?
Do you think Confederation College Cares about you?