College Policies & Procedures

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 Policy, Procedure, and Practice Framework 

Policy Framework Templates

Appendix 1 Policy Flowchart

Appendix 2 Categories of Directives

Appendix 3 Policy Template

Appendix 4 Procedure Template

Appendix 5 Policy/Procedure Draft Review - Checklist

Appendix 6 Accelerated Revision Process Cover Sheet

Appendix 7 Standard Revision Process Cover Sheet

Appendix 8 Policy/Procedure Rescission Cover Sheet

 Printing and Advertising - under review 
 Service to Persons with Disabilities 
 Catering for Meetings 
 Wellness Discount Reimbursement 
 HEQCO Letter — Free Speech Annual Report 
 Anti-Indigenous & Other Forms of Racism - Policy 
 Anti-Indigenous & Other Forms of Racism - Procedure 
 Dealing with Racism - Companion Guide 
 Engagement with Elders & Knowledge Keepers - Policy 
 Engagement with Elders & Knowledge Keepers - Procedure 
 Indigenous Naming of Programs, Space, & New Initiatives - Policy 
 Indigenous Naming of Programs, Space, & New Initiatives - Procedure 

Finance and Administration




Travel, Meals and Hospitality

 Accounting for Student Class Fundraising 
 Accounts Receivable Collections 
 College, Personal, Rental Vehicle Use 


 Purchasing Practice 
 Appendix — Purchasing Services — Code of Ethics 

Disposal/Trade-in of Surplus/Obsolete/Unusable Goods

        FORM — Disposal of Assets

 Storage Room Usage 
 Spending Authorization Limits 

Corporate Credit Card

        FORM - Request for Card

 Consulting Services 
 Procurement Process - Added Value 
 Accessible Purchasing 
 Gift Cards Policy 

Gift Cards Procedure

        Appendix 1 Web Form Approval 

        Appendix 2 Web Form Tracking Log Form

        Appendix 3 Web Form Receipt Acknowledgement 


Marketing & Communications

 Media Philosophy Standard Practice and Policy 
 Communications Policy & Procedure in Case of Emergency 
 Notices and Posters 


 Long-Term Leased Vehicles 



Full-Time Salary Saving

Salary Administartion for Administartive Positions Policy

Salary Administration and Living Expenses


Facilities Services


Use of Space

 Scheduling and Space Use 
 General College Space Scheduling (Non-Academic) 


 Parking Policy 

Architectural/Engineering Services

 Work Requests 
 Relocation Requests (Furniture/Equipment) 
 Furniture Set-up 
 Initiating and Planning College Facility Renovations-Construction Activity - Policy 
 Initiating and Planning College Facility Renovations-Construction Activity - Procedure 
 Form — Space Request and Assessment 
 Work Flow Chart - Facility Renovations Construction Activity 

Plant Operations

 Hot Work Practice 


 Food and Beverages — Designated Areas 
 Housekeeping Standards 

Human Resources



 Conflict of Interest 

Recruitment and Appointments — All Positions

Recruitment and appointments Policy

Recruitment and appointments Procedure

 Criminal Background Check — Offence Declaration 
 College Associate Plan 
 Relocation Expenses 
 Voluntary Unpaid Leave Policy 
 Personal Relationships 
 Employment of Retirees 
 Cultural and Religious Leave 
 Remote and Flexible Work - Policy 
 Remote and Flexible Work - Procedure 


Remote Work Flowchart

Appendix 1 - Remote Work Assessment Form

Appendix 2 - Sample Remote Work Agreement

Appendix 3 - Remote Workspace Self Assessment Checklist



 Workplace Discipline 
 Performance Appraisal - College Employees 
 Professor Emeritus/Emerita 
 Code of Conduct 
 Whistle Blower Protection Policy 
 Whistle Blower Protection Procedure 

Education and Professional Development

 Professional Development 
 Professional Development Policy 
 Prepaid Leave Plan 
 Faculty Professional Development Fund 
 Faculty PD Fund Procedure 
 Application For Faculty Professional Development Fund 
 Total Professional Development Fund Awarded 
 Travel Approval Request Form 

Employee Computer Purchase Plan

Employee Computer Purchase Program Policy


Public Safety

 Health & Safety Training Practice 

Health & Safety Management System

Freedom of Information and Protection


Sick Leave - Full time Employees Policy

Sick Leave - Full Time Employees Procedure


Emergency Policy

Accessibility and Accommodations under Chapter

Free Speech

 Workplace Hazardous Materials 
 Employee and Family Assistance Program - Operating Practice   

Employee and Family Assistance Program - Policy

Employee and Family Assistance Procedure

 Tagging and Lockout Procedures 
 Tobacco Use Policy 
 Workplace Accommodation & Return to Work 
 Fragrance Free College Policy 
 Campus Safety & Security 
 Reporting & Investigation of Campus Violence 
 Video Surveillance Policy 
 Access to Facilities 
 Access Control 
 Key and Lock Policy 
 Notice of Trespass 
 Flying Flags at Half Mast 
 Lost and Found 
 Sexual Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Sexual Assault Sexual Violence Memorandum
 Weapons on Campus 
 Non Academic Investigation Protocol Procedure 

Violence-Free Work & Learning Environment -

(Workplace Violence) Policy

 Substance Use Policy — New 


 Political Meetings on Campus 

Vacation Carryover Policy

Vacation Carryover Procedure

 Unscheduled College Closures 
 Use of Service Animals on Campus 



Promotion and Withdrawal

 See Academic Policies & Procedures - Internet 


 See Academic Policies & Procedures - Internet 


 See Academic Policies & Procedures - Internet 


 See Academic Policies & Procedures - Internet 

Conduct and Discipline

 See Academic Policies & Procedures - Internet 
 Death of a Student Procedure 

Educational Resources


General Concepts on Use of College IT

 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources 
 Authentication and Cyber Security Login Measures 
 Authorized Access to IT Resources 
 Domain Name Registration 
 Expectation of Privacy 
 Mobile Phones 
 Network Devices 
 Over Extension of Resources 
 Procurement of IT Resources 
 Surplus Computer Equipment Disposal 
 Use of Academic Labs 

Access, Procurement, and Compliance

 Authorized Access to IT Resources 
 Procurement of IT Resources 
 Non-Compliance Penalties 
 Surplus Computer Equipment Disposal 

Effective Use of IT Resources

 Expectation of Privacy 
 Use of Academic Labs 
 Network Devices 
 Smartphone and Cell Phone Use 

Misuse of IT Resources

 Over Extension of Resources 

Optional IT Services

 Domain Name Registration 


 Copyright Fair Dealing Policy 
 Records Retention 

Ancillary Operations


Services and Facilities

 Alcoholic Beverage Services 


 Gifts In Kind 
 Prospect Clearance 
 Sponsorship, Donations & Attendance at External Events 

Board of Governors, Internal Practices

 No current policies in this section 


 No current policies in this section 


 Short-Term Investment Policy 

Research Administration


Research & Administration

 Research Administration 
 Intellectual Property 
 Responsible Conduct of Research 
 Research Involving Human Participants 

Commercialization Policy

 Indigenous Research Policy 
 Research Data Management Strategy 

Sustainable Swag Procedure

Sustainable Swag Policy