Financial Information Systems - Banner, Millennium


The College finances are managed using the College Enterprise Resource Planning System - Banner.  Banner provides  functional screens (known as Banner INB) for clerical staff to process individual financial transactions - payments, billings, purchase requisitions, etc.  Banner also provides budget functionality to maintain and track budgets, the general ledger, purchasing and other aggregate financial data.

The College also uses Millennium FAST Finance to provide a more user friendly presentation of financial data to budget holders.  Millennium is synchronized with Banner several times each day to provide this alternative to view Banner financial data.

Who is it for

  1. Banner SSB - Self service Banner provides aggregate web-based functionality for College budget holders (and their delegates)
  2. Banner INB - clerical and administrative level transaction screens providing functionality at a detail level
  3. Millennium FAST Finance - budget holders who want an alternate, more user friendly presentation of Banner financial data to which they have access.  Most College managers prefer Millennium.

How do I use it

Use the College portal to sign on, and select either the Millennium or Banner icon.