Using Your College Network Account (Student IT)

Using Your College Network Account

Each student is given a unique College network/computer logon account with a corresponding e-mail address. This account is used to allow students access to computer lab workstations, College e-mail, Blackboard, the Student Banner Information System, print balance, and other network resources.

You will need to know your College account before you can access any of these systems. Please see the directions in the section below on how to determine your student account USERNAME and PASSWORD combination.

How to Log On with Your College Account

First, students will need to determine their USERNAME. Students can find out what their username is by using one of the following methods:

  • Confederation College Registration Instructions package - each full-time student should receive this package by mail and within the document it will list your account username.
  • Confederation College student photo-ID card - each full-time student will receive an individual ID card on which is listed your College e-mail address. The username can be found by looking at the first part of your e-mail address published on your student card (before the @ symbol).

    Example: Student with the name of David Smith and an e-mail address of [email protected]
    Username: dsmith

A student’s initial PASSWORD will be 16 characters in length and will consist of the first initial of your first name (capitalized), the first initial of your last name (lower case), and your 14-digit student ID (which is also found on your Student Photo-ID card).

Example: A student named David Smith with Student ID: 22663100198715, will have a password of: Ds22663100198715

Once you have successfully determined your College account username and password combination you will be able to access the following College systems or applications:


If you are having trouble determining your username and password credentials, please contact the Help Desk for assistance.