NEW! Malwarebytes Software Available for College Employees & Students at Home

In our ongoing efforts to improve the College's cyber security stance, Computer Services has acquired a corporate license for an industry standard anti-malware software package - Malwarebytes. The software is intended as a protection service for the personal computers of all College employees and students.

DOWNLOAD: Installation Instructions - Malwarebytes Premium (PDF file) ...

The entire College community has shifted most of their activity off campus. We have applied a number of cyber security changes focused on College owned devices and the most sensitive College information. We are now turning our attention to providing protection for the personal devices of our staff and students. It is very important to have some level of protection on your own device both for the security of College networks and services being accessed, and your personal activities.

This weekend last year, our College was victimized by a successful cyber attack. It is a good time to reflect on your personal online habits and the protective measures you've taken for your home device.

Instructions for installation of the product are attached. You will need to provide your College email to verify your College relationship and create an account with Malwarebytes.

As always, contact the Helpdesk ([email protected], 475-6488) if you have any questions, or require some assistance with the installation.

Note that College computers have a different protection package that is much more restrictive, and provides technical staff with notifications of cyber incidents.  Malwarebytes is not required for College computers.