My Educational Background & Qualifications

I began my post-secondary education at Lakehead University, graduating in 2013 from the Civil Engineering undergraduate program. Currently, I am working on completing a master’s in Professional Education specializing in the field of Mathematics offered through Western University.

Prior to my teaching career, I worked at various consulting firms, in partnership with multiple Contractors, and at the Ministry of Transportation. I have experience in both design and construction management. I have dedicated the majority of my engineering career to the field of transportation because of my passion for the social implication that the designs create for the users. Balancing optimal designs and their implication on the environment, health, personal lifestyles, and future designs is critical, yet rarely discussed amongst young professionals.

When I began teaching at Confederation College, I decided to discuss the implication of engineering designs in the classroom with respect to real-world applications. Often students are eager to partake in these discussions, critically thinking of various outcomes. There is no perfect solution, and the students are aware of this outcome, yet they respectfully brainstorm optimal solutions discussing the risk of these implications – showcasing the true beauty of engineering. I believe that the graduates of Confederation College have tools in their baskets to critically think, evaluate and propose feasible solutions in any capacity of Civil Engineering because of the diverse skills of the faculty, support staff, and courses offered at the College.  

My Hobbies & Other Interests

If I am not on campus, I am usually off hiking a new trail or reading a book by the lake.