Missed Tests (Testing Centre)

Students who have missed an in class test or exam, for reasons beyond their control, could be eligible to write in the Testing Centre.

  • The student must obtain approval from the Professor to write a test that was missed in class.
  • Where appropriate the Professor will request formal documentation (e.g., Doctor’s note) or any other documentation they deem reasonable, to ensure the legitimacy of the request.
  • If approval is received, the student must book his/her testing time with the Testing Centre, complete a Testing Centre Test Supervision Form, and deliver the form to the Professor.
  • The Professor will deliver the test and form to the Testing Centre with invigilation instructions before the test appointment; and pick up the completed test.
  • No test will be written in the Testing Centre without the signature of the Professor.
  • Students who do not write their test at the scheduled time will be referred back to their Professor.
  • Government issued photo I.D. or a valid Confederation College student card must be provided prior to writing a test.

Students with Accommodation Plans may require special arrangements for testing, such as a private room, extended time, assistive technology, and/or proctor support.  Students will book test appointments 10 days in advance (same date and time as class) with the Accommodation Services Facilitator in the Student Success Office.  For more information, please call 475-6560.