Welcome Sterling Finalyson!



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

Negahneewin Student Services would like to introduce Sterling Finlayson as an Indigenous Navigator (ISN) located in Apiwin Student Lounge.  Sterling is from Longlake Reserve 58 First Nation, and his anishnawbe name is “Mazinbee-Igew Ininih”, which translates to Man of Art. As a Confederation College Alumnus, Sterling is proud and eager to help out students in an informed way as he has walked the path. Now, as an employee here within the college, Sterling is thrilled to create and support catered solutions for all students and use his experience, strength and hope as inspiration to all students.

Sterling will lead the cultural activities for Apiwin, including being the primary connection for OASA, Outdoor classroom and firepit, smudging space, and Elders in residence. 
Welcome Sterling!
