Welcome Kim Kivi



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

The Community Integration through Cooperative Education (CICE) program is excited to announce that Kim Kivi will be joining the team as a full-time Integration Facilitator. Integration Facilitators support CICE students throughout their educational experiences at Confederation College and are integral to their success. Kim will officially start her new role on August 22, 2022 in preparation for the 2022/2023 academic year. Kim brings 12-years of experience coaching with the Special Olympics, academic advising expertise, as well as knowledge and experience in supporting students during their transition to post-secondary education.

Kim graduated from the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program at Confederation College in 2017 and, prior to commencing her role as a Student Advisor, she had spent five years working with ECE students, families, and faculty at the Children and Family Centre Lab School in the McIntyre Building. This experience provided Kim with a unique perspective in her role.

Student Success would like to thank Kim for her dedication to learning this new role, while going up and beyond to serve the students in the School of Health, Negahneewin, and Community Services. Over the last 6 months, she led with enthusiasm, integrity, and kindness.  You will be missed, Kim. We know that good things lie ahead in your journey.

Please join me in welcoming Kim Kivi to the CICE Program!

Shane and the School of Health, Negahneewin, and Community Services team.

