Take this opportunity to Enhance your Public Speaking Skills.



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

In Partnership with Continuing Education and Nanabijou Toastmaster Club, we would like to offer this 10 week course to students and staff. 

Are you looking at enhancing your everyday communication?  Perhaps you want to learn how to chair an effective and timely meeting.  Perhaps you are looking at a professional development opportunity that allows you to enhance your speech writing and your public speaking skills.  Join us on March 7, 2023 here at Confederation College room c239 from 7 to 9 pm for the start of this 10-week course.  We also have a hybrid option available. Please contact Susann Danenas at 807-475-6641 or follow the instructions below to sign up for the course.  The cost is $58 paid to Confederation College, plus a $10 resource fee paid to Nanabijou Toastmaster.

To make a payment Please see the Hub.  They accept cash, debit, and credit card payments. Or: 

You can also register and pay for the course online here: https://tc-prod-03.confederationcollege.ca:8443/prod/zwskccrs.P_CrseDetail?subj_code=ZB&crse_numb=553 (Shopping Cart) and enter the course number ZB553 and going through the screens to make payment. If you need assistance completing the payment online you can call us at 475-6550 and we can take your information and process the payment.


