Shuniah Staff Lounge Room 353 Update



Thunder Bay

This posting is to provide an update on the changes made and coming to the staff lounge in the Shuniah Building room 353. Facilities Services has been working at refresh the staff lounge. We have installed additional acoustic barrier between the part-time faculty office which has greatly reduced the sound transmission.  New dimmable lighting and a fresh coat of paint haves been completed.  Newer furnishings and a new energy efficient fridge have been put in place.  New carpet tile and new countertop are in the plan.  There have been delays in getting resources and materials to complete the project.  When we are ready to do that work it will be posted in advance to provide notice to those using the area. The cabinets have also been cleared out as per the posting.  BEST cleaners will give them a thorough cleaning and the tile flooring as well in the coming days.   The microwave was removed in error and will be replaced.   

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve the space.

Facilities Services
