*New* Maamwi – Treaties of Ontario Database



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

Over the last year College Libraries Ontario has been consulting with faculty and staff from colleges across Ontario for the purpose of developing a new module for the Learning Portal, called Maamwi. 

Maamwi, meaning “all together” in Anishinaabemowin, will be an open access resource which will provide data, reports and research to guide Ontario colleges on the path towards reconciliation. 
While the Maamwi hub is still in development, the Learning Portal team is excited to share the Maamwi Treaties of Ontario Database just in time for Treaties Recognition Week. 

We ask that discover, empower and share this tool to your library’s A to Z Database listing.  Likewise, we would love to hear your feedback on whether the database is accurately representative of your campuses’ catchment area, your insights will allow us to make the most accurate tool possible: [email protected] 

Treaties recognition week is about learning and raising your personal awareness the important nation to nation agreements which every citizen benefits from.  If you are looking for open access resources to incorporate into your programs and activities for Treaties Recognition Week, please check out the Learning Portal’s Indigenous Inclusion Hub. 
