Negahneewin Reading Series - Nedi Nezu by Tenille K. Campbell - October 27



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

The Negahneewin Reading Series (NRS) is a staff book club that was founded by the Paterson Library and the Negahneewin Research Centre to support the Negahneewin Vision of Confederation College.

The NRS celebrates Indigenous voices through a variety of literature. The book club allows staff to learn about Indigenous culture and the Indigenous experience of Canada and the world through storytelling. The book club gatherings involve important conversations about colonization, racism, intergenerational trauma, the need for a culturally relevant curriculum, acknowledging Indigenous worldview, and creating spaces for cultural exploration at the College. The chats also provide an opportunity for each participant to examine their own personal bias and equip themselves with the knowledge and confidence to tackle similar conversations in their personal lives and the classroom.

The first book of the 2020/2021 Series is:

Nedi Nezu by Tenille K. Campbell

To reserve a book, please register via Eventbrite.
The book discussion will take place Wednesday, Oct 27, 2021 at 12:30PM EST via Microsoft Teams. 

For more information contact: [email protected].
