I Need a Tutor (Tutoring Services)

Currently enrolled students are eligible for tutoring services. The maximum number of peer tutoring hours a tutee can receive is 2 hours per week for one subject or 3 hours per week for two or more subjects.  Before applying, we ask that you:

  • Attend classes regularly
  • Access other means of assistance (i.e. tutorials offered by the Professor, help sessions offered at the Academic Support Centre)
  • Discuss your difficulties with your professor

If you have taken all these steps and still want a tutor, please apply below.


If you have any questions, or need assistance completing the application, please contact [email protected] or call the Academic Success Centre at (807) 473-3894.

Student Information
Your student number starts with 22663. Enter the last 9 digits of your student number.
Provide your phone number in the following format: (###) ###-#### e.g. (807) 475-6110
What year of the program are you in?
Tutoring Information
Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
In order of priority, list the courses for which you are requesting a tutor.
Student Agreement
I agree to all of the above statements
Peer Tutee students agree to the following: (1) I understand that completing the application form is the first step. I must schedule an appointment with the Academic Success Centre to discuss my tutoring needs. (2) I will regularly check my College email for correspondence from my tutor and/or the Academic Success Centre. (3) I will attend classes and complete assignments as required—tutoring cannot help otherwise. (4) I will be on time and prepared for my scheduled tutoring session. (5) I will notify the tutor at least 24 hours in advance if I must cancel my appointment. (6) I understand that Academic Success Centre staff may discuss my academic needs with my instructor(s), coordinator and/or sponsoring agency (if applicable). (7) I understand that the Academic Success Centre will make every effort to match me with a qualified tutor; however, it cannot be guaranteed that a tutor will be available for every course.