Testing Guidelines (Testing Centre)

Testing Policies and Procedures for Students

  • Students should arrive early and be ready to start the exam at the scheduled time. Students who arrive late may not be able to write their exam depending on availability.
  • Photo ID will be required at the time the test/exam is to be written and must be shown before writing.
  • NO TALKING is permitted once the student has entered the examination rooms.
  • No handheld or electronic devices are permitted. For example computers, cellphones, iPods, headphones, etc.
  • All personal belongings must be left in the storage area provided including pencil cases, purses, backpacks, coats, etc.
  • All papers, notes and/or books must be left in the storage area provided.
  • No food or drink is allowed in the examination room.
  • You may bring in approved items set out in your exam instructions. For example, calculators, cheat sheet, etc.
  • Students who are unable to attend a scheduled exam should contact the Testing Centre as soon as possible before the testing time to cancel or reschedule their exam, otherwise they will be marked as a “no show”.
  • The Testing Centre is not responsible for follow-up with the student concerning a missed test/exam.

Testing Guidelines for Faculty/Staff

  • Testing Centre Test Supervision Forms must be completed by a faculty or staff member.
  • Instructors must ensure that exams are delivered to the Testing Centre in person before the testing date. Late delivery of exams may require the student to reschedule
  • Instructors need to indicate on the Testing Centre Test Supervision Form what materials, devices and resources are permitted during the examination, as well as the duration of the exam and whether or not breaks are allowed.
  • Instructors should pick up the completed exams as soon as possible.