Tuition Policy for Students with Permanent Disabilities

As of September 2007, new and returning students with disabilities who require the accommodation of a reduced course load may be eligible to have tuition fees reduced once they have paid the equivalent to full time fees for the program.

For example, a student with a disability requiring a reduced course load would start paying $20 per class once they had paid the amount of tuition that would normally be paid by a student who had completed the program in the standard calendared duration.

Eligibility Criteria:

  •  The student has a permanent disability and has provided the Student Success Centre, Student Accessibility Services department with appropriate documentation.
  •  Documentation supports the student’s need for a reduced course load or a reduced course load is an approved and recommended accommodation made by the Student Accessibility Staff.


  • Students will pay the same tuition fees as students without a disability, until the full program fee has been paid.
  • Once the full program fees have been paid, the student will still be required to pay full fees upfront for any additional courses and will be refunded the overpaid amount within the academic year

Important Information:

This policy applies to only ONE College program.  If a program change is made, full tuition fees for the current program must be paid as a first semester student. 

This policy applies to courses that are completed successfully. Courses that need to be repeated due to late withdrawal or unsuccessful completion are not eligible. 

Note - this tuition reduction applies to tuition only, mandatory ancillary fee charges will not be reduced.

If the student received financial assistance through OSAP, the student must contact the Financial Aid Office to inform them of their eligibility for this tuition fee subsidy. 

For more information, contact the Accessibility Services Department at (807) 475-6618