Personal Security Strategies (SAFE Campus)

Safety on Campus

Remember the three most important elements of personal safety:

  • Stay Alert

  • Project Confidence

  • Do not hesitate to trust your instincts

Walk with a Friend or Co-Worker

  • Whenever possible, but especially at night, walk with a friend or co-worker on campus.

Campus Walk

  • Campus Walk escorts are available 24 hours a day, 7 days/week.  To arrange an escort, call Security at 807-623-0465 in advance.

Walking Alone or at Night

  • Plan your route.  Know exactly where you are going.
  • Wear comfortable, flat shoes, such as running shoes.
  • Always look assertive; walk with purpose and confidence: keep your head up
  • Scan your route:  be observant; and be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. 
  • Look around and directly at people to assess them, but do not stare.
  • Avoid unlit sidewalks, streets or parking lots. Don’t use shortcuts or informal pathways, particularly through forested or other secluded areas. 
  • Use main entrances.  Avoid rear or secluded entrances.
  • If a particular situation makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, choose an alternative: cross a street; go the closest building or group of people.
  • If you notice suspicious activity, call Security at 807-623-0465.

Working Alone.

If you can avoid working alone, do so.  If you must work alone, obtain your supervisor’s permission, and follow applicable department, school and program rules:

  • During normal business hours, if you must work alone in a remote or isolated area of campus, tell your supervisor where you will be and when you expect to be back. 
  • Establish a “check-in schedule”:  you will check-in and someone will follow-up at regular intervals.
  • Outside normal business hours, request Campus Alone service by contacting Campus Security: press the “Security” button on a Help! Phone, or call 807-623-0465.
  • Tell the Security Officer your name, location, phone number, room number and approximate time of departure.
  • The Security Officer will make every effort to visit you, or at least phone you, while you are working alone.
  • Outside normal business hours, avoid working alone if you are handling hazardous chemicals, or operating hazardous equipment.

Parking Lot Safety. 

  • Outside daylight hours, park in highly visible, well-lit areas.
  • Don’t leave valuables in the vehicle.  Lock the doors, and keep windows rolled up.
  • Be prepared when you are leaving the building or your vehicle:  have the correct key handy. 
  • Check in and around your vehicle before you get in.
  • If you notice suspicious activity (e.g. individuals trying vehicle doors or peering into vehicles, etc.), choose an alternative: cross a street; go the closest building or group of people.
  • If you notice suspicious activity, call Security at 807-623-0465.

Help! Phones

  • Be aware of the locations of corridor Help! Phones and classroom Help! Phones, located across campus. There is an exterior Help! Phone located at the south end of Lot E (north of the Shuniah Building.)