Emergency Phone Number (SAFE Campus)


Contact Campus Security Partners: One call away. 

In any emergency.  Connected to our community.

Use any one of the following ways to get the help that you need in an emergency, including access to fire, police and  ambulance:

  • Dial 922 from College Phones.
  • Call 623-0465 from private phones or cell phones.
  • Use one-touch dialing from Help! Phones located in corridors at the Shuniah, Dorion, and McIntyre Buildings; the Aviation Centre of Excellence and Sibley Hall.
  • Use one-touch dialing from Classroom Help! Phones located in classrooms, labs, shops and meeting rooms.
  • Use one-touch dialing from the Parking Lot Help! Phone located at the south end of green parking lot E.
  • For urgent assistance, in barrier-free washrooms, pull the Urgent Assistance Cord.
  • Press an urgent assistance Blue Button located in corridors across campus when you need immediate assistance and are unable to get to a Help! Phone.

HOT TIP:  When the term “Call 922” is used, any one of the methods listed above can be used to contact Security.