Disruptive Behaviours (SAFE Campus)

You can learn the skills to deal with disruptive behaviours:

  • Take a deep breath, stay calm and focused, and listen through the anger.
  • Acknowledge the feelings of the individual.
  • Rephrase what is being said in an attempt to identify the issues.
  • Allow the person to vent and to tell you what is upsetting him or her. Use silence to allow the individual to talk it out.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Set limits:  explain clearly and directly what behaviours are acceptable. Be firm, steady, consistent and honest.
  • Empower the individual by helping him or her to problem-solve. Separate the person from the problem before attempting to reach a resolution.
  • Recognize when it is time to disengage or to ask for assistance.
  • Document and report the incident:
    • employees report to their supervisors or managers
    • students report through the Student Success Centre; students in Residence report through the Residence Manager for incidents occuring at Residence
  • Employees:  sign up for a Prepare course through Human Resources Services

Use caution if you notice these signs of a potentially violent individual:

  • red-faced or white-faced;  sweating; 
  • pacing; restless or repetitive movements; 
  • trembling or shaking; 
  • clenched jaws or fists;  facial grimacing; 
  • exaggerated or violent gestures;
  • change in voice;  loud talking or chanting; 
  • shallow, rapid breathing; 
  • scowling or sneering; 
  • use of abusive language; 
  • glaring or avoiding eye contact;  or
  • getting too close to you (i.e. in your personal space).